
Thursday, August 9, 2012

New times, come with new things...

Well here once more-updating a new blog.  Looked at the website thing, and again its cost was a factor bring me back to here, or something free.  Why put money into the site on a monthly base, when it can go towards that freight car or to finish part of the layout.  So I spent the better part of yesterday working on a new blog and getting it setup to where I like it.  So with that being said, here once more is the new and improved blog.  Pictures will be uploaded tonight, as well as some other pages will see content over the next few days.  Please feel free to comment, and share and follow. 

On the other blog that I did have, I had posted pictures, so I am going to take the day to figure out a better format, or will work with what Google has.  Things are on hold right now till sometime next week, until I can get some MDF sheets and some pink foam.  Switches are being built by my friend Ron Pare and should soon be here.  I have to get some track Monday, so I can get to track laying by next weekend.  This is also Part of the MRH 120 Day Challenge that I took on among others to give us some encouragement into getting more work done on the layout.  The deadline for this challenge is of course Labour Day, so I only have a matter of a few weeks left.  Although I had hoped to have all the track work done, that will not be the case, but will have a good portion done. 

I have also switched the power system that I will be using form Rail Pro, to Railflyer Prototype RTI System.  This mean no wiring is involved and thank god that I don’t have to wire this layout up.  No blocks, no headaches.  The system does not require a booster, and is wireless from the tablet to the engine, and work on battery power, that is recharged in the yard each night if need be.  So testing of that will be towards month end or sometime in September.  So stay tuned for that.